Skills First is a set of reforms for the training and TAFE sector. The reforms ensure that Victoria’s training and TAFE system delivers high quality training that leads learners to real jobs. Skills First supports students: Whether you’re an apprentice, a worker seeking retraining, a learner needing extra support or a regional student looking for a course in your local area.

NSW Smart and Skilled

Smart and Skilled is a reform of the NSW Vocational Education and Training (VET) system. It’s helping people in NSW get the skills they need to find a job and advance their careers.

QLD Certificate 3 Guarantee

Certificate III Guarantee supports eligible individuals to complete their first post-school certificate III qualification. It also supports school students to access training and Queensland’s Year 12 graduates to transition to employment by providing free training in high priority qualifications.

QLD Higher Level Skills

Higher Level Skills program provides a government subsidy to support eligible individuals to access subsidised training in selected certificate IV or above qualifications, and priority skill sets.

The aim is to assist individuals to gain the higher level skills required to secure employment or career advancement in priority industries or to transition to university to continue their studies. Employers may also be able to access training to address workforce development needs.

SA WorkReady

WorkReady allows eligible SA students to enrol in subsidised Certificate II qualifications through to Advanced Diploma across a range of industries. Regardless of the qualification level or industry, eligible students are able to access bridging units or learner support services to assist them complete their studies. Additionally, job seekers can access employment programs to connect them with jobs in their local area.

Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System

The Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System will provide broad support to the economy through wage subsidies for eligible employers in priority occupations. Priority occupations are those listed on the Australian Apprenticeships Priority List.

A Hiring Incentive will also be available for employers of apprentices undertaking a qualification in an occupation that does not qualify for the Australian Apprenticeships Priority List.

Payments are subject to eligibility criteria as set out in the Incentives System Guidelines.

Summary of assistance available under the Australian Apprenticeships Incentives Program.

WA Future Skills

Future Skills, WA State Government’s investment in training focuses on courses that equip people with the skills to undertake current in-demand jobs or those predicted to grow in demand in the future. State Priority training courses provide skills and knowledge that align with the current needs of industries and employers. Future Skills WA will guarantee eligible students a State Government subsidised training place within these State Priority training courses in Western Australia; these courses attract the highest level of Government subsidy. State Priority training courses include 150 priority industry qualifications and many traineeships.

ACT User Choice

User Choice is a national policy initiative that facilitates the disbursement of funding and incentives to RTO’s. Designed to make Vocational Education & Training (VET) more responsive to the strategic needs of Australian industry, User Choice works with Australian Apprenticeships and Traineeships.

ACT Skilled Capital

Skilled Capital is an ACT Government funded training initiative, providing Canberrans access to high quality training in skills need areas to maximise improved employment opportunities.

Traineeships – Support for Women in Trades

Additional support is available for women who commence in eligible trade occupations on the Australian Apprenticeships Priority List. Eligible occupations are occupations that have had historically low rates of female participation. Eligible Australian Apprentices will have increased access to comprehensive wraparound support through the Australian Apprenticeship Support Network. This includes personalised advice and information on career options and apprenticeships pathways, pastoral care, career and industry mentoring, access to professional networks and entrepreneurship training. These non-financial supports will help more women to complete their apprenticeship and go on to have successful careers.

Traineeships – Living Away From Home Allowance

There will continue to be support available for students who need to travel to undertake their apprenticeship, through the Living Away from Home Allowance (LAFHA).

The Living Away From Home Allowance is an allowance for eligible Australian Apprentices who have to move away from their parents’ or guardians’ home to take up or retain an Australian Apprenticeship. The allowance is available to eligible full and part-time Australian Apprentices and Australian School-based Apprentices during the first three years of their training.

Traineeships – Assistance for Australian Apprentices with disability

The Australian Government provides additional support to Australian Apprentices with disability through the Disability Australian Apprentice Wage Support (DAAWS).

DAAWS is payable to employers who employ apprentices who meet the eligibility criteria.

DAAWS is also available to employers whose apprentice becomes disabled during their apprenticeship.

To determine your eligibility and to apply for the DAAWS contact your local Apprenticeship Network provider.

Help is also available through the Employment Assistance Fund (EAF).

The EAF gives financial aid to eligible people so they can buy work-related modifications, equipment, help and services.

Employers can access the EAF through Disability Employment Services or jobactive organisations.  

Disclaimer: COMPLET-ED strives to ensure our website materials are the most up-to-date information on available government subsidies. Due to the shifting nature of eligibility and availability, some of this information may have changed. Please contact us to discuss other possible payment options. Complet-ed is not a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) and offers an impartial service to its customers by partnering them with only the highest quality government and non-government funded providers. Nationally, this may include TAFE’s, Registered Training Organisations (RTOs), Fee For Service Providers, Australian Apprenticeship Support Networks, and independent contractors to deliver educational programs. COMPLET-ED will not confirm any funding eligibility. Eligibility criteria is dependent on your personal information, residency, employment and current skills and qualifications. All eligibility will be confirmed by an approved contracted training provider prior to the commencement of any training.

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